Friday, October 8, 2010


So...I accidentally spent £60 at H&M today.

I'm having a hard time justifying this, so if anyone wants to leave me a comment about why I am not the silliest person alive, I would appreciate it!

1 comment:

  1. Can't help you with the spending spree. Goodness knows I have had my share; but they have taught me to always ask in advance of a purchase, "What is your return policy?" Actually, I learned that from Marty the businessman.

    Aunt Kathy shared your blog address this morning and I have read through many of your posts. They made me appreciate your journey. You were spot on with the package from Eugene. Your grammy could hardly wait for it to arrive and hopefully cheer you with some personalized gifts. I know she must have loved your comments and pictures. I will see her tonight at Clay Fest.

    One thing you can do for me in Scotland: Attend a lecture/class/whatever by Alexander McCall Smith. I have read two of The No.1 Ladies' Detective Agency books and thought they were great. I see from the author's profile that he teaches at your school. Just wondering what he is like "in person." Let me know if you get a chance. XO Mary Lou
