Friday, October 1, 2010


My family is better than yours. There, I've said it, the tension can now be disbursed.

I got a package today from my Eugene family. I say that it's from all of them, and I'm sure their well-wishes and positive energy went into the box, but from the second I opened it, I knew it was really from my grandmother. Actually, I think I may have received the physical avatar of her personality and thought process. My grandmother sent me herself (not that it's listed that way on the customs form).

Voila my grammy:

And how does one itemize a grandmother? As follows:
- one travel towel
- one pair long underwear
- one handmade mug
- a french press (!!)
- one pound Starbucks coffee (THANK YOU; I knew all along I was kidding myself about the instant being acceptable)
- one package M&Ms
- two granola bars
- assorted first aid kit supplies (including some things that seem to have been stolen from a hospital circa 1987?)
- handfuls of Starbursts
- one bag almonds
- one very sharp knife (in case I get stuck under a pile of books and need to chop my own arm off?)
- cough drops
- chocolate drops
- chicken buillon cubes (?)
- one package chopsticks (??)
- mint tea

I cannot believe she managed to fit everything, which in itself is the biggest sign that this package is my grandmother in mailable form (well, that and the stolen first aid supplies). Thank you, thank you to my family!

On a separate note, it just started POURING, but the sun was still out, and so I stuck my head out the window and just LOOK what I found!

And then a policeman walked by and told me to "poot thae top hae' of ye baac innit," which I think meant not to lean so far out the window, so I stopped. But wasn't that a bonny wee rainbow?

Tonight is "Friendship Friday" among the people I've met here. The name emphasizes friendship, which is great, but I think that's only because there's no word for "alcohol" that starts with an F. Tonight's subtheme is sangria, care of our resident Spaniard, and I can drink again (finally), so I'm looking forward to it. And maybe I'll be able to drunk-blog again! I've missed that...

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