Thursday, September 30, 2010

Time for walkies

In an effort to avoid reading The Second Treatise (I know, I'm a terrible excuse for a political theoretician), I took myself on another walk today. No goal, just ambling around town...

I went to Grey Friar's, a cemetery mostly known for Greyfriar's Bobby. While there, I realized just how suddenly it had become autumn:

So far no luck finding (ubiquitous stateside) pumpkin beer or lattes, but I am hoping someone will be willing to watch "Hocus Pocus" with me in a couple weeks. The overgrown American population here should be good for something.

I also went as far up Edinburgh Castle as I could, without actually paying the £10 to enter. That ish is crazy. Plus, there's a legend that if you go into the castle you won't graduate, so on balance not worth it. I did go into the gift shop and found the family clan tartan. We're MacGregors, so our plaid basically looks like Christmas wrapping paper:


Being from clan MacGregor also apparently means that our lands were taken from us because we just couldn't be trusted, and our most famous family member is this guy:

Well, not this guy per se, because that's Liam Neeson, but the dude he's playing in the movie. Rob Roy. Him I'm descended from. The other William Wallace (Braveheart) you might say. Personally, I'd take Liam over Mel any day, especially since the latter is not so much "Ye mae naeva tak me frrrreeeeedom" these days as he is all racist and girlfriend-killy. Point: MacGregor.

Anyway, back in my room now and...still doing a pretty good job of avoiding Locke, I must say. Congrats me, for finding a way to invalidate my $40,000.00 reason to be here. Ugh. Uggghhhhh. Stupid Locke.

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