Thursday, September 23, 2010


I'm feeling a little distracted these last couple days, as the reality of the situation sinks in more and more and I am finally forced to give equal attention to more daily activities than just keeping myself alive and complaining about having to do that.

Had another class, this one in research methods. What I took away from this class was that a. I am unforgivably naive when approaching my sources during my research and b. apparently it is possible to plagarize yourself, which seems unfair. People are busy, damn it. If I write something and happen to like it enough to use it again, why is it considered plagarism? Why can't it be like an academic easter egg hunt for my (eventual) readership? Anyway, I am sure there was more to be learned from the class, but I was hungry and the professor had distractingly tiny feet, and so I...didn't really pay attention. I had better TURN UP and start getting my money's worth out of this experience, is what I told myself afterward, when I realized I'd spent a majority of the lecture wondering if the professor could comfortably wear women's shoes.

Today it poured and I was informed by the universe that neither my raincoat nor my rainboots are waterproof. Thanks. Thanks a LOT, world.

So mostly I stayed in my room and read for class. It was dull. The book itself was particularly dessicated, though there were some nugget-y bits about the natural rights of man and fears of devlution into anarchy, that made me sit up and take notice. Well, not sit up, as I was prone on my prison bunk, and not take notice, but...I focused my eyes a little more at those times. I'm a scholar.

Made dinner for the flatmates tonight, per our agreement. I punked out and made spaghetti and salad and garlic bread, which is actually about as much as I or this kitchen can handle, and anyway the two Chinese flatmates had never had pasta, so it really was a cultural experience. My other flatmate was drinking red wine with dinner and god, did I want some. Stupid antibiotics.

Anywhoodles, now it's almost bedtime. I've managed to avoid being intellectually productive for the last...five hours. Nice.

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