Wednesday, September 15, 2010

My room

People (well, my mother) have been asking me for pictures of the new place. Taking those pictures is a depressing prospect, given what I have been allocated for the year, but since I have some time this morning, I'll give it a shot.

This is the view from my door (incidentally, I have never been to a place with more doors. From the time that I get to my building, to when I am actually standing in my room, I walk through five heavy fire doors. I hope there's never a fire because I will probably burn to death):

This is really everything.

Bed, wardrobe, desk, bookshelf, chair. I suppose that's standard, but it all feels just a bit snug. I think once I get some stuff on the walls--if I ever do--I will feel better about it. Assuming I can heat the space in winter, I may even find it cozy.

What is not cozy is this bed:

Prison issue.
 I swear, the mattress is from an extra large crib. At least I won't die of SIDS while I'm here. I have managed to convince my parents (mostly by sobbing while we are Skyping) to send me nice, fleecey sheets and a duvet cover and I CANNOT EVEN EXPRESS HOW EXCITED I AM. Maybe that gives some indication. Or, the fact that I am fairly certain sending me this package will result in financial ruin for my family, but I do not care.

Then there is my dresser/bookshelf, which looks fairly empty now (the bookshelf) and is packed incredibly, disgustingly full (the dresser):

Holds four complete outfits
 And...that's it! No, really. There's a bathroom and a kitchen, but they are standard issue and I don't have to clean them, so I am okay with any facility provided under that provision. I do have a nice view:



  1. That's a gorgeous view! And seeing as how my new studio is about as big as your room, except that I DO have to clean a kitchen and bathroom, I might even say you're better off than I am these days. Don't let it go to your head, though! :)

  2. Is my blog going to turn into some kind of a negative pissing match about whose life is worse? Because...that's not actually any different from the rest of our friendship after all.

  3. I'm trying to minimize the impact of your absence as much as possible. I figure if I keep complaining at you all the time, you won't seem so far away. *sob*
